Saturday, January 2, 2021

Lego Review 1: Baracuda Bay

Lego pirates first launched in 1989.  With sets featuring pirates, blue uniform soldiers (presumably british sailors), red uniform soldiers (presumably British Marines) pacific islanders and the imperial armada which was what i believe to be the Spanish. The sets were things like ships, islands, and soldier fortresses. The line would die in 1997. Attempts to bring it back were made in both 2004 and 2015  (i have all 5 sets from 2015). But both didnt sell that great. There was also a chess set which is one of my fave of the 2015 line. In 2020 2 sets where made that are pirates in theme, but not official pirates sets. The Lego Creator Pirate Ship, and the one i will be reviewing Lego ideas Baracuda Bay. 

Baracuda Bay is part of the ideas line. For those who dont know the ideas line is basically like a kick-starter just no money is involved. The creator submits it to lego ideas website. If it gets 10,000 supporters in 2 years it goes into the review phase where lego decides if it will become a set. Some get denied because they are liscensed properties and lego could not get said liscense (sets like Flintstones, Big Bang Theory, Sesame Street and Tron are sets they could acquire the liscense for). Now this awesome set was created by Pablo Sánchez of Madrid, he created it as an homage to the pirate sets he snd his father played with during his childhood. 

Pirates was always my fave theme. The set is the Black Seas Baracuda (the original lego pirate ship) shipwrecked on an island. It is  meant to be a soft reboot/continuation of the adventures of the feared lego captain of the Black Seas Baracuda, Captain Redbeard. 

Set info: Baracuda bay is 2545 pieces. And costs 200 dollars. The box art lego actually made in the design of the original pirates sets.

The set also features 8 mini figures. 5 of which are updates of the original crew. The original crew are Capt Readbeard now sporting a little grey, Quartermaster Riggins, Lady Anchor, Port, and Starboard. New to the crew are Tattooga, Robin Loot, and Jack Dark Shark Doubloons. 

A cool feature to this set is you can actually take it off the island and can turn it into the pirate ship. But i honestly prefer it this way. It includes some of the other elemets from the original lines such as life boats, parrots and sharks. But sadly no monkeys since they no long have the molds. Most lego sets now use stickers for the pieces since lots of pieces are difficult to print, but this is all printed pieces which i prefer. 

Overall i would give it 5 stars. And def reccomend this set.